Study 11: The Second Coming of Isa
Isa rose from the dead according to Allah's plan
We have seen in the last lesson how Isa's death and resurrection
were in total agreement with scriptural prophecy and his own
teachings. Let us look now at the present position of Isa and
what he said about the end times. As we saw in the last lesson,
after the crucifixion Isa's enemies believed that he was finished.
But they were wrong. It appeared temporarily that death had defeated
him, but it was only an illusion. As he himself claimed, "I
am the life". It was impossible for death to finally destroy
him. In the end it was he who defeated death and rose victoriously
from the grave. The Jews had thought they had destroyed him.
They thought he was once and for all dead. They were totally
wrong. Just as the prophet had prophesied, "It was
the will of the Lord to bruise him". Allah had planned his
death and resurrection ages before and the Jews were but tools
to carry out Allah's will. In fact, the Jews could not even carry
out the punishment of Isa but were forced to turn him over to
the Roman authorities for punishment. Thus, the Jews in their
attempt to kill Isa were completely thwarted and failed.
Isa was taken alive to heaven where he now intercedes for
his disciples
He said, as we have seen, was taken bodily to heaven by Allah
40 days after rising from the dead. Having conquered death, the
says Isa will live forever in Allah's presence. According
to the , his present work consists of interceding before
Allah for those who have believed in him. It is written in the
Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to
Allah through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
(Hebrews 7:25)
Only Isa, of all men who ever lived, is still alive and in
Allah's presence. Only he is able to intercede for his followers.
All other men are in the grave. All other men will have to stand
before Allah and be judged for their own sins. Thus, it is impossible
for them to intercede for others. Only Isa was sinless. Only
Isa will not stand before Allah and be judged by him. This is
a very important matter. Today there are many that claim to have
the power to intercede for others. It is much like an illustration
Isa once gave,
Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a
blind man, both will fall into a pit. (Matthew 15:14)
Those men who now claim the power to intercede are all sinners
themselves. Far from having the power to intercede for others
they themselves need intercession. Because they are sinners they
will soon die and be put in the grave to face judgment one day.
All those who trust in them will face exactly the same fate.
They too will die and face the same judgment. It is like a man
who claims to be able to cure cancer but is himself dying of
cancer. The one who claims power of intercession is seen to be
no different from the one he claims to intercede for. It is just
the blind leading the blind, first into the grave, and then judgment.
Of all men only Isa is different. Only Isa was without sin. Only
Isa conquered the grave, and has power over death. According
to the , only Isa is able to intercede for others. Thus,
right now Isa's is at Allah's right hand interceding for his
disciples. Yet, according to the Scriptures he will come again
to the earth one day.
Isa will return to earth before the last day
Before his death Isa explained to his disciples that he would
leave them and go to heaven. Yet, he also said he would return
before the Day of Judgment. He also explained to them the signs
of his coming. The following are few of the things he explained
must happen prior to his return to earth,
1. Many Antichrists will come
2. There will be wars and rumors of wars
3. There will be many famines in various places
4. There will be an increase in earthquakes
5. Believers in Allah will be persecuted for their faith
6. Many false prophets will arise
7. Men's love will grow cold
8. The good news of the Messiah would be preached throughout
the whole world
These were all things that Isa said must occur before he would
return. Once these things occurred, his return would be near.
Do you see any similarities between this list and the things
happening today?
Isa will reign for 1000 years
Besides telling his disciples how to know the time of his
return to earth, he also told them why he was to return. He was
returning first of all to reign on earth with his followers for
1000 years. At that time no other government or ruler or set
of rules will stand. Isa will be in complete control. At that
time all men will have to acknowledge his authority and live
in obedience to his rule of justice and righteousness. As is
recorded in the ,
that at the name of Isa every knee should bow, in heaven
and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that
is Lord, to the glory of Allah the Father. (Philippians
2:10, 11)
Isa will be given responsibility for judging
Secondly, Isa is returning to earth so he may judge men. According
to the , Allah will give responsibility for judging men
into his hands. As the only sinless man he alone has the ability
and right to judge others. It is written,
Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all
judgment to the Son, (John 5:22)
For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice
by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all
men by raising him from the dead." (Acts 17:31)
This will take place on the day when Allah will judge men's
secrets through , as my gospel declares. (Romans 2:16)
Isa will take his disciples to heaven
Finally, Isa is returning to earth to take his followers to
heaven to be with Allah. In the he told his disciples,
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in Allah ;
trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it
were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare
a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where
I am.(John 14:1-3)
This is undoubtedly one of the greatest promises ever made.
If Isa is going to take his disciples to heaven, if he is going
to intercede for his disciples, then it is very important that
we know whether we are his disciples were not. If going to heaven
depends on being his disciple then it is essential that we know
how we can be his disciple. In the next lesson we shall look
at how a man becomes his disciple.
1. Were the Jews successful in carrying out their plans to
destroy Isa?
a. Yes
b. no
2. How many days after his resurrection did Isa preach and
teach before being taken by Allah to heaven?
A. 10
B. 40
C. 70 days
95 days
3. Give two reasons why Isa is able to intercede for others
right now.
4. List six signs of Isa's Second Coming,
5. When Isa returns to earth who will rule?
A. Earthly kings
B. Isa
C. A special king appointed by Isa
6. Why is Allah able to give Isa the responsibility for judging
7. According to the (John 14) what is one other purpose
for Isa's returning to earth besides ruling and judging?
8. Are you looking forward to the Second Coming of Isa? Why?
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