
The Day That Death Will Die

Lesson One - Introduction

"NO, MOTHER! YOU CAN'T DIE! NO!" She had died there in the hospital bed. Despite the best efforts of the medical staff, death had come in like a thief and snatched a living soul away. Now the family was left behind to suffer the pain of losing a loved one.

This is a sad fact of life that is repeated daily. Whether we are rich or poor, healthy or sick, righteous or sinner, one day we must pass through death's gate. This is very sad news. But even in the midst of such terrible tragedy, there is good news!

The good news is this -- one day, death itself will die. That's right. Death will be utterly defeated and show its face no more. The time is coming when we will no longer lose loved ones to this dreaded enemy. The fear of death and of the pains of the grave will be gone because death itself will be gone, never to come again. Is that not wonderful news? Allah has revealed this truth in the writings of his holy prophets. He has appointed a day in which death will be destroyed, a time commonly known as qiyamat. That is the subject of this course.

The word "qiyamat" is an Arabic word meaning "rising (from the dead)". So when we say "qiyamat", we are actually saying "resurrection". Qiyamat is the day of resurrection. The dead will rise in that day, but more than that, in qiyamat, death itself will be thrown down never to rise again. It is written in the holy Injil,

"The last enemy to be destroyed is death." (Holy Injil, 1 Corinthians 15:26)

Not only that, but all the bad things that are associated with death like physical pain and sorrow, will also be finished forever. The Injil says elsewhere,

"And Allah shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (Holy Injil, Revelation 21:4)

Perhaps you have already learned about some of the events of qiyamat in the past. This study course however, is different. Previous scriptures such as the Holy Taurat, Zabur, and Injil, contain many details concerning qiyamat that you will want to know. Not only that, but from the reading of these portions of holy Scripture you will find encouragement as you face the future.
As you do this course you will notice that Prophet 'Isa al-Masih is mentioned time and time again. As you perhaps already know, 'Isa al-Masih is often called "the sign of qiyamat". His visible return to earth is the sign that the end is near. Many amazing events will happen during that time, some good, some very bad. But last of all, all creation will joyfully shout, as the proclamation goes forth that "death is no more".

In this study, the term "qiyamat" is used to refer to the entire period of time at the end of this age which includes not only the actual day of resurrection, but also the following events:

  • the rise of Dajjal (Antichrist)
  • the time of great trouble which will come upon the earth in the last days
  • the return of 'Isa al-Masih to earth
  • the kingdom of 'Isa al-Masih on earth
  • battle with Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog)
  • the final judgment
  • and several other subjects

Is it possible that qiyamat will come soon? When will it be? How will it all happen? How will we know if the day has arrived? Is there some special thing we can do to prepare ourselves for that day? What happens to us after death? What can we do so that in death we can be sure to find rest instead of misery? We will try to answer some of these questions by means of Allah's holy word.

It is the prayer of this writer that in studying this course the student may discover how to be ready for that day without fear of death. Instead, may you discover how to face the future with peace, joy, and confidence.

'Isa al-Masih said to his followers, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (Holy Injil, John 14:27)

A sample question is given below:

Sample question
1. Based on what you read in this lesson, the word "qiyamat" means...

a) death
b) rising (from the dead)
c) hospital
d) peace

Based on the above lesson, the correct answer is "b) rising (from the dead)". The radio button beside "rising (from the dead)" should be pressed. Now continue on your own with question two.

2. Scriptures given previously to the Qur'an include...

a) Taurat
b) Zabur
c) Injil
d) All of the above

3. An important prophet in relation to qiyamat is...

a) Musa (pbuh)
b) 'Isa al-Masih
c) Dawud (pbuh)
d) Ibrahim (pbuh)

4. According to 1 Corinthians 15:26 in the holy Injil, death is...

a) Allah's creation
b) a natural part of life
c) to be destroyed
d) with us forever

5. The writer of this course hopes that from this course you will learn...

a) how to face death without fear
b) how to have peace of mind
c) how to live with joy and confidence
d) all of the above

6. 'Isa al-Masih promised his followers that he would give them...

a) financial prosperity
b) a good home
c) his peace
d) freedom from oppression

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